As your family gathers around the fire to celebrate and enjoy one another, when friends share intimate stories and laughs, or when you’re curled up on a cold rainy day, book in hand, your fireplace should keep you and your guests comfortably warm and cozy.

Too hot, Too Cold

Efficient heat distribution and balance creates an even feeling of ‘warmth’. Without this, a battle between ‘too hot, too cold’ ensues, inhibiting any chance of that warm, cozy, home feeling we all want.

Insert the heat exchanger – a piece of fireplace tech designed to circulate heat, creating a harmony of warmth in your gathering place.

Not all fireplaces or fireplace inserts are created equal. Design features make a significant impact on how the heat from a fire is actually scrubbed off the appliance and brought into the living space.

The heat exchanger design is not a priority in many fireplace designs leaving homeowners very disappointed that want to derive warmth as they burn fuel.

We’ll help make your fireplace more efficient with our free site evaluation

With constant innovation in fireplace design and functionality, our objective for over 28 years has been to build exceptional, and enduring value into homes, families, and communities.

Our team will evaluate your current fireplace and make relevant recommendations on how you can create your own ‘cozy’ room. All to make your fireplace a comfort place.

Create Effective Warmth Today