Keep Rain and Critters Out of Your Chimney and Home
The top of your chimney is exposed to both the outside elements as well as a lot of smoke and heat from inside your chimney. Chimney caps, chase covers, and top sealing dampers all work to protect this area of your chimney, by keeping out rain, tree debris, animals, and chimney swifts. They also contain any sparks that may try to escape from the top of your chimney. Having less external debris or disturbances allow your chimney to function as it should – safely and efficiently!
Chimney Caps
Keep your Chimney protected from rainwater, debris, and animals with long-lasting and well designed Chimney Caps.
Chimney Chase Covers
Chimney Chase Covers are vital to keeping water and debris out of your chimney chase. Poorly designed and poorly installed chase covers cause extensive water damage inside homes. Ours won’t rust, ours won’t leak, and ours are carefully measured and installed to shed water evenly off the top.
Top Sealing Damper Kit
Keep unconditioned air outside, and expensive heated or conditioned air from going up your Chimney. Top sealing dampers also are more easily installed when it is not practical for the traditional damper.
Contact Us
Stainless Steel, Copper, and Custom Chimney Caps
Providing your home with the most effective, most pleasing, most durable chimney caps is what we do well.
Types of Chimney Caps & Covers
Standard Styles | Custom Styles | Chimney Pots |
Stainless Steel | (Many Finishes Available) | Clay Option |
Copper Option | Hip and Ridge | Copper Option |
Hood Style |